A framework for collecting credible data in military operational environments

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Copyright: Rees, Leanne
This thesis focuses on the Australian Defence Force’s need for credible analytical advice to inform decisions associated with selecting military capability. Current data-collection practices often lack flexibility and adaptability to cope with the challenges of a military operational environment. The diverse and dynamic nature of the environment results in limited data-collection opportunities and barriers to identifying and locating appropriate data. Within this environment, time constraints, difficulties in interpreting the battle space and the limitations on the ability to apply the usual scientific control act as impediments to collecting credible data. This research puts forward a new approach to overcome these deficiencies by identifying and targeting key issues for assessment and accommodation of data collection from various perspectives. This approach combines the unique perspectives of military knowledge and analytical rigour as part of the data-collection process which is key to establishing data credibility in complex and dynamic environments. The approach provides a value-adding environment linking data credibility and relevance to enhanced analytical focus and improved navigation of the complex environment. I use a series of ecologically valid case studies to demonstrate military data collectors’ experiences of using the approach. In these case studies, data capture occurs as part of military operational deployments and field training exercises using multiple case studies incorporating mixed-methods for data collection and analysis. This enables the thesis to focus on the central research question: “How can data credibility be established in a military operational environment?” This thesis makes a significant contribution to understanding and assessing the concept of data credibility and the process of collecting of credible data in military operational capability evaluations; it identifies the factors that affect data credibility and the influences on data collection during capability evaluation in military operational environments. The findings are expected to contribute to enhanced debate and decision-making in the field of Defence capability acquisitions.
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Rees, Leanne
Huybers, Antonius
Hess, Michael
Curtis, Neville
Conference Proceedings Editor(s)
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Publication Year
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Degree Type
PhD Doctorate
UNSW Faculty
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