Street and roadside landscaping in New South Wales - origins, influences and chronologies

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Copyright: Armstrong, Helen
This study covers the history of street and roadside planting in New South Wales from the beginning of settlement to the present. It is divided into three sections. The first section examines the context within which the settlement occurred by exploring the eighteenth century attitudes to the layout of colonial towns and the use of trees in urban areas. It also considers the importance of botany at this time and the effect of botanical investigations on the settlement, ultimately influencing the choice of trees used as avenues, particularly the rainforest trees. The second section documents the sources of trees used for street and roadside planting and the influences which brought about the different eras of planting. The third section summarizes the complicated history of events, issues, individuals and institutions which were involved in the different periods of street and roadside planting as a series of chronologies. This section also examines street and roadside planting in the towns of New South Wales today. The survey of the planting in contemporary towns verifies the historical eras of planting and reveals the important effect of the physical regions of the State on the choice of the species. The study shows that the composite history of the influence of the eighteenth century, the use of rainforest trees and the effect of regional variations in the State has created a particular street and roadside planting which is characteristic of New South Wales. In addition this work reveals that avenues of trees have been incorporated as important elements in town design from the earliest plans to the present.
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Armstrong, Helen
Conference Proceedings Editor(s)
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Degree Type
Masters Thesis
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