Sex in Australia: A guide for readers Smith, Anthony en_US Rissel, C en_US Richters, Juliet en_US Grulich, Andrew en_US de Visser, Richard en_US 2021-11-25T14:57:58Z 2021-11-25T14:57:58Z 2003 en_US
dc.description.abstract The Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR), a survey of 19,307 people aged 16-59 years which had a broad focus across many aspects of sexual and reproductive health. Our primary goal in presenting these data is to describe the overall prevalence of key outcomes and the ways in which they are patterned with respect to a range of sociodemographic factors. The socio-demographic factors used include age, gender, language spoken at home, highest level of education completed, region of residence, household income and occupational category. Where appropriate we also include stated sexual identity. Our choice of these factors reflects the fact that they are major elements in the structure of the Australian population and Australian society. For the purpose of reporting the initial results, we have grouped these outcomes into 18 papers. They are bracketed by an introductory methods paper which provides a detailed account of the design and execution of the study, and a concluding paper reflecting on the key themes emerging from the findings, the strengths and limitations of our approach and recommendations for future research. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1326-0200 en_US
dc.language English
dc.language.iso EN en_US
dc.rights CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 en_US
dc.rights.uri en_US
dc.source Legacy MARC en_US
dc.title Sex in Australia: A guide for readers en_US
dc.type Journal Article en
dcterms.accessRights metadata only access
dspace.entity.type Publication en_US
unsw.relation.faculty Arts Design & Architecture
unsw.relation.faculty Medicine & Health
unsw.relation.ispartofissue 2 en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofjournal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofpagefrompageto 103-105 en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofvolume 27 en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Smith, Anthony en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Rissel, C en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Richters, Juliet, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Grulich, Andrew, National Centre in HIV Epidemiology & Clinical Research, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation de Visser, Richard en_US Centre for Social Research in Health * The Kirby Institute *
Resource type