The fit between health impact assessment and public policy: practice meets theory Harris, Patrick en_US Sainsbury, Peter en_US Kemp, Lynn en_US 2021-11-25T12:28:42Z 2021-11-25T12:28:42Z 2014 en_US
dc.description.abstract Purpose and setting: The last decade has seen increased use of health impact assessment (HIA) to influence public policies developed outside the Health sector. HIA has developed as a structured, linear and technical process to incorporate health, broadly defined, into policy. This is potentially incongruent with complex, non-linear and tactical policy making which does not necessarily consider health. HIA research has however not incorporated existing public policy theory to explain practitioners’ experiences with HIA and policy. This research, therefore, used public policy theory to explain HIA practitioners’ experiences and investigate ‘What is the fit between HIA and public policy?’ Methods: Empirical findings from nine in-depth interviews with international HIA practitioners were reanalysed against public policy theory. We reviewed the HIA literature for inclusion of public policy theories then compared these for compatibility with our critical realist methodology and the empirical data. The theory ‘Policy Cycles and Subsystems’ (Howlett et al., 2009) was used to re-analyse the empirical data. Findings: HIAs for policy are necessarily both tactical and technical. Within policy subsystems using HIA to influence public policy requires tactically positioning health as a relevant public policy issue and, to facilitate this, institutional support for collaboration between Public Health and other sectors. HIA fits best within the often non-linear public policy cycle as a policy formulation instrument. HIA provides, tactically and technically, a space for practical reasoning to navigate facts, values and processes underlying the substantive and procedural dimensions of policy. Conclusions: Re-analysing empirical experiential data using existing public policy theory provided valuable explanations for future research, policy and practice concerning why and how HIA fits tactically and technically with the world of public policy development. The use of theory and empiricism opens up important possibilities for future research in the search for better explanations of complex practical problems. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0277-9536 en_US
dc.language English
dc.language.iso EN en_US
dc.rights CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 en_US
dc.rights.uri en_US
dc.source Legacy MARC en_US
dc.subject.other Theory en_US
dc.subject.other Health impact assessment en_US
dc.subject.other Public policy en_US
dc.subject.other Critical realism en_US
dc.title The fit between health impact assessment and public policy: practice meets theory en_US
dc.type Journal Article en
dcterms.accessRights open access
dspace.entity.type Publication en_US
unsw.description.publisherStatement This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Social Science and Medicine. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 108 (2014) DOI en_US
unsw.identifier.doiPublisher en_US
unsw.relation.faculty Medicine & Health
unsw.relation.fundingScheme NHMRC PhD en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofjournal Social Science and Medicine en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofpagefrompageto 46-53 en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofvolume 108 en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Harris, Patrick, Centre for Primary Health Care & Equity, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Sainsbury, Peter en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Kemp, Lynn, Centre for Primary Health Care & Equity, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW en_US Centre for Primary Health Care & Equity *
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