Non-specific monitoring to resolve intermittent pollutant problems associated with wastewater treatment and potable supply Stuetz, Richard en_US 2021-11-25T13:48:55Z 2021-11-25T13:48:55Z 2004 en_US
dc.description.abstract An online monitoring system based on an array of non-specific sensors was used for the detection of chemical Pollutants in wastewater and water. By superimposing sensor profiles for defined sampling window, the identification of data points outside these normal sensor response patterns was used to represent potential pollution episodes or other abnormalities within the process stream. Principle component analysis supported the detection of outliers or rapid changes in the sensor responses as an indicator of chemical pollutants. A model based on the comparison of sensor relative responses to a moving average for a defined sample window was tested for detecting and identifying sudden changes in the online data over a 6-month period. These results show the technical advantages of using a non-specific based monitoring system that can respond to a range of chemical species, due to broad selectivity of the sensor compositions. The findings demonstrate how this non-invasive technique could be further developed to provide early warning systems for application at the inlet of wastewater treatment plants. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0273-1223 en_US
dc.language English
dc.language.iso EN en_US
dc.rights CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 en_US
dc.rights.uri en_US
dc.source Legacy MARC en_US
dc.subject.other early warning en_US
dc.subject.other electronic nose en_US
dc.subject.other online sensors en_US
dc.subject.other sensor arrays en_US
dc.subject.other water quality en_US
dc.title Non-specific monitoring to resolve intermittent pollutant problems associated with wastewater treatment and potable supply en_US
dc.type Journal Article en
dcterms.accessRights metadata only access
dspace.entity.type Publication en_US
unsw.description.notePublic Original inactive link: en_US
unsw.relation.faculty Engineering
unsw.relation.ispartofissue 9 en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofjournal Water Science and Technology en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofpagefrompageto 137-143 en_US
unsw.relation.ispartofvolume 49 en_US
unsw.relation.originalPublicationAffiliation Stuetz, Richard, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW en_US School of Civil and Environmental Engineering *
Resource type