
Publication Search Results

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  • (2020) Kim, Seungbeom
    Cyanobacteria, also referred to as blue-green algae, are aquatic and photosynthetic, that is, that live primarily in fresh water and salt water. In addition to unattractive colour and smelly odour, abundance of cyanobacteria worsens water-quality and generates toxins that can harm humans and animals alike. Lack of enough data, its independence across multiple sampling time steps, as well as the presence of more than one causative factors, each with different levels of influence on the response, has resulted in limited progress in the development of generalized Cyanobacteria modelling and prediction frameworks. In this thesis, using a few key dominant factors, relatively practical and universally applicable two models for predicting the cyanobacterial bloom have been developed. The first model is a binary model and forecasts the occurrence/non-occurrence of cyanobacterial bloom at a given time step conditional on the dominant environmental variables and the cyanobacteria concentration at the preceding time step. The bacterial growth dynamic to the model is included by defining the weight functions which quantify the importance assigned to the key environmental variables namely, temperature, velocity and nutrients. A probabilistic model can yield a distribution of possible outcomes and therefore helps not only to understand the degree of outcome but also to make a relevant solution with uncertainty. Following this, a two-stage probabilistic model has been developed. In the first stage, cyanobacteria occurrences are generated using a first-order conditional Markov model. The conditioning vector includes the cyanobacterial count on the preceding time step and a few environmental variables. On occasions where the first stage model predicts the occurrence of cyanobacteria, the second stage model generates cyanobacterial cell counts using a nonparametric kernel density approach assuming first-order Markovian conditional dependence. As a final stage of this thesis, a few scenarios for controlling cyanobacterial bloom growth are assessed in terms of changes in the environmental variables and financial implications. Both developed models provide promising results and offer the capability of applying them to other areas. The suggested countermeasure provides an interesting and economically feasible solution to deal with cyanobacterial bloom issue

  • (2020) Yang, Bing
    Social media data have been used in many studies in the recent years. Compared to the traditional household travel survey data, social media data have a lower cost, and they can be obtained from abundant sources. However, several pre-processing tasks are required before social media data can be used for mobility analyse. For instance, distinguishment needs to be made between location and activity. In this thesis, text analytics, machine learning, and “Tweet Block” are applied in order to differentiate between location and activity and to extract more accurate information from social media data which can then be used for mobility analyse. In Section 3, the focus is to extract and analyse users’ movement and lifestyle. Unlike the state-of-the-practice, this research clearly distinguishes between location and activity. Text mining technique was applied to identify location and activity information respectively, and a clustering algorithm was applied to analyse the lifestyle of users. The strict distinguish between activity and location led to a result that the identified data is limited compared to traditional ways of labelling. To solve this problem, the information extracted from data was enriched by applying a method called “Tweet Block”. Tweet Block enable to identify 1,745 location and 98 activity which were not identified in text mining process. With the enriched data in hand, a method was purposed to infer information of user’s movement from the data point that is previously unusable (i.e. a single record from a day.) The average generated trip rate using this method was increased by 26%-50% compared to the method used in previous research. Travelling track was also generated to analyse the movement of these users. In Section 4, the primary purpose is to build a valid activity prediction model from the data. Machine learning algorithms were applied to build an activity prediction model from the data. Land use data were overlapped to the original data set, which acted as a supportive data to location information. Random Forest (RF) and Neural Network (NN) algorithms were used to build models and NN models were kept after model selection. A Stratified K-fold cross-validation was used to validate the model.

  • (2020) Liang, Gan
    Sydney Harbour sediments are severely contaminated with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) as a result of the intensive production and utilization of organohalide products in Sydney. These highly toxic and recalcitrant contaminants leached into Sydney Harbour with chemical waste that was landfilled on the banks of Homebush Bay and readily accumulated in marine sediments, representing a risk to the ecosystem in Sydney Harbour and human health. In 2017, PCDD/Fs in the harbour sediments were quantified and compared with historical data, with little change being observed over the decade compared with the study of Birch et al. (2007). This suggests that the risks associated with the contamination will remain, until a practical strategy for PCDD/F remediation is developed. Previous studies have shown that microorganisms are able to transform PCDD/Fs, with the potential to detoxify and eliminate these compounds. The goal of this study was to survey the feasibility of applying bioremediation technologies for PCDD/F detoxification in Sydney Harbour sediments. DNA sequencing revealed the presence of bacteria closely related to known PCDD/F degrading microbes belonging to the Dehalococcoides genus in the harbour sediments. Anaerobic enrichment cultures supplied with perchloroethene (PCE) as terminal electron acceptor stimulated the reductive dechlorination of the most toxic dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) to 2,3,7-trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7-TriCDD) and the most abundant dioxin octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) to its hepta- and hexa-chlorinated congeners. This is consistent with the existence of microbes capable of reductively dechlorinating PCDD in Sydney Harbour. The reasons for the lack of significant in situ PCDD/F biotransformation were considered. With 4500 and 10 times higher than the environmental concentrations, respectively, TCDD and OCDD partially but reversibly inhibited the microbial dechlorination activity. The low aqueous solubility of TCDD and OCDD likely limited the capacity of PCDD/F respiring bacteria dechlorinating these compounds and with the use of a biosurfactant lecithin, the microbial dechlorination of TCDD and OCDD was enhanced. These findings demonstrated that applying indigenous microorganisms maybe part of the remedy for Sydney Harbour PCDD/F contamination. Furthermore, this study explored the potential of using a known PCDD dechlorinating bacteria Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1 and sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-nZVI) in addressing PCDD degradation in conditions found in Sydney Harbour. The tolerance of strain CBDB1 to seawater environments was determined, with a view to its deployment into Sydney Harbour’s contaminated sediments. Additionally, S-nZVI did not react with TCDD and OCDD, but it was capable of supplying H2 and conditioning the redox potential necessary for strain CBDB1 organohalide respiration, with the potential to assist strain CBDB1 dechlorinating PCDD in Sydney Harbour.

  • (2021) Freeman, Elizabeth
    This research focuses on the dynamic motions of piled floating pontoons and their impact on a standing person’s stability. Piled floating pontoons are public access structures that provide a link between land and sea. There is limited useful data on the dynamic motions (acceleration and rotation) of piled floating pontoons to wave excitation. Similarly, there are no design standards specific to floating pontoons specifying suitable motion limits in order to maintain the postural stability of users. This research first proposes a set of Safe Motion Limits (SML) in the form of lateral, vertical and rotational accelerations in order to maintain a standing person’s stability. Both laboratory and prototype testing have been undertaken in order to record the motion response of piled floating pontoons, resulting from boat wake. The motions recorded are compared against the proposed Safe Motions Limits (SML), to ascertain the impact on a standing person’s postural stability. Extensive laboratory-scale physical model experiments were undertaken at UNSW Water Research Laboratory. Two varying width piled floating pontoons of variable draft, subjected to regular boat wake conditions were tested. Five Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), were positioned on each pontoon and used to record accelerations and rotations. Observed accelerations and roll angles were dependent on beam to wavelength (B/L). Internal mass played a secondary role, with larger mass structures resulting in overall lower accelerations for similar B/L ratios. Increasing draft improved attenuation performance, most notably at a wave period of 3 seconds. As draft increased peak heave acceleration decreased however the percentage exceedance of the lateral SML increased. Prototype testing documenting both pontoon motions and user perceptions of motion was undertaken with motions recorded exceeding the nominated SML and users conveying levels of discomfort. Importantly, results have revealed the complex interaction between the piles and pontoon that result in peak accelerations more than six times the nominated operational SML of 0.1g. Root-mean-square accelerations were observed to be more than three times greater than the nominated comfort limit (0.02g) and angles of rotation more than double what would be perceived as safe/comfortable (6 degrees) for the mild wave conditions tested.